# Building Block View


# Whitebox Overall System


# Action API modules

Building Block Responsibility
wbavailablebadges Get available badge items
wbcreateclaim Create Wikibase claims
wbcreateredirect Create Entity redirects
wbeditentity Create a single new Wikibase entity and modifies it with serialised information
wbformatentities Format entity IDs to HTML
wbformatvalue Format DataValues
wbgetclaims Get Wikibase claims
wbgetentities Get the data for multiple Wikibase entities
wblinktitles Associate two pages on two different wikis with a Wikibase item
wbmergeitems Merge multiple items
wbparsevalue Parse values using a ValueParser
wbremoveclaims Remove Wikibase claims
wbremovequalifiers Remove a qualifier from a claim
wbremovereferences Remove one or more references of the same statement
wbsearchentities Search for entities using labels and aliases
wbsetaliases Set the aliases for a Wikibase entity
wbsetclaim Create or updates an entire Statement or Claim
wbsetclaimvalue Set the value of a Wikibase claim
wbsetdescription Set a description for a single Wikibase entity
wbsetlabel Set a label for a single Wikibase entity
wbsetqualifier Create a qualifier or sets the value of an existing one
wbsetreference Create a reference or sets the value of an existing one
wbsetsitelink Associate a page on a wiki with a Wikibase item or removes an already made such association

# Action API Edit Entity (opens new window)

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Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
ModifyEntity base class Base class for API modules modifying a single entity
EntityIdParser Handling user input Transforms strings into EntityId objects
StringNormalizer Handling user input Normalizes strings
SiteLinkTargetProvider Handling user input Returns the list of sites that is suitable as a sitelink target
EntityChangeOpProvider Changes applied to the entity Turns entity change request into ChangeOp objects based on change request deserialization configured for the particular entity type
ChangeOpDeserializers Changes applied to the entity ChangeOpDeserializers for fields of items and properties, such as label, description, alias, claim and sitelink
ChangeOps Changes applied to the entity Class for holding a batch of change operations
EntityTitleLookup lookups Represents an arbitrary mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, with no further guarantees given. The resulting title does not necessarily represent the page that actually stores the entity contents.
EntityRevisionLookup lookups Service interface for retrieving EntityRevisions from storage
EditSummaryHelper MediaWiki binding Helper methods for preparing summary instance for editing entity activity
EntityPermissionChecker MediaWiki binding Service interface for checking a user's permissions on a given entity.
EntitySavingHelper/EntityLoadingHelper persistence Helper classes for api modules to save and load entities.
ApiErrorReporter API response A component for API modules that handles error reporting
ResultBuilder API response Builder of MediaWiki ApiResult objects with various convenience functions for adding Wikibase concepts and result parts to results in a uniform way

# Action API Merge Items (opens new window)

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Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
ApiBase base class Base class for MediaWiki Action API modules
EntityIdParser Handling user input Transforms strings into EntityId objects
ItemMergeInteractor Processing Performs an Item merge
ApiErrorReporter API response A component for API modules that handles error reporting
ResultBuilder API response Builder of MediaWiki ApiResult objects with various convenience functions for adding Wikibase concepts and result parts to results in a uniform way

# Special Pages

# Special Merge Items

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Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
SpecialWikibasePage base class Base class for Wikibase Special Pages
EntityIdParser Handling user input Transforms strings into EntityId objects
TokenCheckInteractor Handling user input Checks a submitted edit token
ItemMergeInteractor Processing Performs an Item merge
EntityTitleLookup API response Represents an arbitrary mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, with no further guarantees given. The resulting title does not necessarily represent the page that actually stores the entity contents.
ExceptionLocalizer API response Provide localized messages for some types of Exceptions

# Interactors

# ItemMergeInteractor

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Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
MergeFactory Changes applied to the entity Factory for merging services
EntityRedirectCreationInteractor Changes applied to the entity Performs an Entity redirect creation
EntityRevisionLookup lookups Service interface for retrieving EntityRevisions from storage
EntityTitleStoreLookup lookups Represents a mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, assuming that the resulting title represents a page that actually stores the entity contents. For example, the property P1 will be resolved to the "Property" namespace and the page "Property:P1".
SummaryFormatter MediaWiki binding Formats Wikibase Summary objects to strings for MediaWiki
EntityPermissionChecker MediaWiki binding Service interface for checking a user's permissions on a given entity.
PermissionManager MediaWiki binding A MediaWiki service class for checking permissions
EntityStore Persistence Storage interface for Entities

# EntityRedirectCreationInteractor

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Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
EntityRevisionLookup lookups Service interface for retrieving EntityRevisions from storage
EntityTitleStoreLookup lookups Represents a mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, assuming that the resulting title represents a page that actually stores the entity contents. For example, the property P1 will be resolved to the "Property" namespace and the page "Property:P1".
EntityRedirectLookup lookups Service interface for retrieving information about entity redirects.
SummaryFormatter MediaWiki binding Formats Wikibase Summary objects to strings for MediaWiki
EntityPermissionChecker MediaWiki binding Service interface for checking a user's permissions on a given entity.
EditFilterHookRunner MediaWiki binding Runs the MediaWiki EditFilter hook
EntityStore Persistence Storage interface for Entities