# Building Block View


# Whitebox Overall System

Alt Text

Building Block Responsibility
APIs Represent domain data through MediaWiki APIs
Entity Data Access Access Entities from a Repository
Usage Tracking Tracking the usage of Repository Entities on a Client
Entity Change Notifications Be notified about and act on changes to Entities on a Repository
Linked Site Page Changes Inform a Repository of changes to pages that are linked to Repository Items
Data Bridge Edit Item data values on the Repository
Special Pages WikibaseClient specific Special Pages
Interwiki Client side interactions with Interwiki links

# APIs

# Action API Description (opens new window)

Action API Description Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
DescriptionLookup Lookups Lookup client descriptions from a variety of sources
RepoLinker Response Creates links to Repo Entity concepts

# Action API EntityUsage (opens new window)

Action API EntityUsage Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
RepoLinker Response Creates links to Repo Entity concepts

# Action API Meta Wikibase (opens new window)

Action API Meta Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
SettingsArray Config WikibaseClient settings containing meta information

# Action API Page Terms (opens new window)

Action API Page Terms Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
EntityIdLookup Lookups Lookup EntityIds from Titles
TermBuffer Lookups Lookup buffered Terms
AliasTermBuffer Lookups Lookup buffered Aliases
RepoLinker Response Creates links to Repo Entity concepts

# Action API Format Reference

Action API Format Reference Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
Deserializer (Reference) Input Get Reference objects from user input
ReferenceFormatter Format Reference Format Reference as wikitext
Parser Output Parse Reference wikitext and output HTML

# Entity Data Access

Entity Data Access

Building Block Responsibility
Shared Services shared between multiple types of entity data access (lookups, formatters, utilities)
ParserFunctions MediaWiki parser function binding for entity data access
Scribunto Scribunto extension binding for entity data access


You can see the interactions of components related to Entity Data Access in the runtime view diagrams.

# Shared (Entity Data Access)

Entity Data Access Shared

Building Block Responsibility
SnakFormatter Formats Snaks in a client context
ReferenceFormatter Formats references in a client context
StatementTransclusionInteractor Renders the main snaks associated with a given Property on an Entity
EntityTitleLookup Resolves a specific sitelink on a specific Item to a Title
PropertyIdResolver Resolves a PropertyId from input which could be a Label or prefixed ID
SnaksFinder Find Snaks for claims in a given Entity, based on PropertyId

# ParserFunctions

Entity Data Access Parser Functions

Building Block Responsibility
Runner Contains the methods called by MediaWiki when parser functions are used
StatementGroupRenderer Renderer for rendering a statement group

# Scribunto

Entity Data Access Scribunto

Building Block Responsibility
TermLookup Lookup terms of Entities for use in LUA
Scribunto_LuaLibraryBase Registers and defined methods called by the Scribunto extension
LanguageDependentLuaBindings Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto.
LanguageIndependentLuaBindings Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto.
LuaEntityBindings Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto.
SnakSerializationRenderer Renders snaks for LUA
EntityAccessor Miscellaneous functionality for exposing Entities through LUA
LuaFunctionCallTracker Helper for tracking accesses of Lua functions

# Entity Change Notifications

Building Block Responsibility
Changes Receive and handle regular Repository Entity Data changes
ChangeModifications Receive and handle changes to the history of Repository Entities
RecentChanges Represent changes to Repository Entities in a Client RecentChanges system
Usage Tracking the usage of Repository Entities on a Client


You can see the interactions of components related to Entity Change Notifications in the runtime view diagrams.

# Changes

Building Block Responsibility
AffectedPagesFinder Finds PageEntityUsages that are affected by a Change
ChangeHandler Handles EntityChanges
ChangeRunCoalescer A transformer for lists of EntityChanges that combines runs of changes into a single change
InjectRCRecordsJob Persists RecentChanges entries
PageUpdater Triggers various updates needed when pages will change

# Change Modifications

Building Block Responsibility
ChangeModificationNotificationJob Base for handling Entity Revision changes
ChangeDeletionNotificationJob Handles Repository Entity Revision Deletions
ChangeVisibilityNotificationJob Handles Repository Entity Revision Visibility Changes

# Recent Changes

Building Block Responsibility
RecentChangesFinder Find RecentChange entries based on their meta data
ExtenalChange Data object representing a revision that has changed an Entity on an external site
RevisionData Data object representing a revision on an external site
ChangeLineFormatter Formats and ExternalChange as HTML
SiteLinkCommentCreator Deals with creating comment infomation relating to SiteLink changes

# Usage


UsageAspectTransformer is only used outside of this block and perhaps shouldn't live here

Building Block Responsibility
UsageLookup Find EntityUsages for pages
EntityUsage Data object representing the usage of an Entity (but not identifying where it is used)
PageEntityUsages Data object associating a EntityUsage with a Page ID
UsageAccumulator Interface allowing accumulation of usage tracking information for a given page
UsageTrackingSnakFormatter SnakFormatter implementation that will accumulate usage in a UsageAccumulator
UsageTrackingLanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup LanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup implementation that will accumulate usage in a UsageAccumulator
UsageDeduplicator De-duplicates entity usage listsfor performance and storage reasons
SubscriptionManager Persists infomation about pages being "subscribed" to updates for an Entity
UsageTracker Persists infomation about the EntityUsages of a page
UsageAspectTransformer Transforms usage aspect based on a filter of aspects relevant in some context.
BulkSubscriptionUpdater Bulk inserts for subscriptions into wb_changes_subscription based on wbc_entity_usage.
AddUsagesForPageJob Job for scheduled invocation of UsageUpdater which is triggered by a MediaWiki hook related to Wikitext-based content edits.
UsageUpdater Service for updating usage tracking and associated change subscription information.
populateEntityUsage Maintenance script for populating wbc_entity_usage based on the page_props table.
updateSubscriptions Maintenance script for inserting subscriptions into wb_changes_subscription based on wbc_entity_usage.

# Linked Site Page Changes

Linked Site Page Changes

Building Block Responsibility
UpdateRepo Update the repo after certain changes have been performed in the client
UpdateRepoOnDelete Update the repo after page deletes in the client
UpdateRepoOnMove Update the repo after page moves in the client


You can see the interactions of components related to Linked Site Page Changes in the runtime view diagrams.

# Data Bridge

Data Bridge is a frontend component enabling Repo edits on the Client via the Repo API.

Data Bridge

Building Block Responsibility
Data Access A group of classes and interfaces for interacting with WikibaseRepo data and MediaWiki functionality
Presentation UI components for presentation
Store State management of the UI components
MediaWiki Logic that has to do with Data Bridge attaching itself in the right places on the wiki article
ChangeOp Strategies for applying changes (update or replace) to the entity
Tracking Tracking data bridge usage and errors


You can see the interactions of components related to Data Bridge in the runtime view diagrams.

# Data Access

Data Bridge Data Access

Building Block Responsibility
Errors Provide context about errors that might occur in Data Bridge. The native Error TypeScript class is used
ApiErrors Error returned from the Repo API
Other Errors Error that may occur in Data Bridge and are not related to the API, e.g. an error on saving
Repo API Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests
Reading API Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests that have to do with reading from repo
Writing API Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests that have to do with writing to repo
ApiEntityLabelRepository A repository to get the label of specific entity in a specific language
ApiPageEditPermissionErrorsRepository A repository for determining potential permission errors when editing a page.
ApiPropertyDataTypeRepository A repository to get the datatype of a property
ApiRenderReferencesRepository A repository to render reference JSON blobs into HTML strings
ApiReadingEntityRepository A repository for reading the latest revision of an entity.
ApiRepoConfigRepository A repository to get the configuration from the Wikibase repo instance where the data is going to be saved
ApiWritingRepository Saves the modified entity
CombiningPermissionsRepository A repository for determining potential permission errors when using the Data Bridge
TrimmingWritingRepository A WritingEntityRepository that compares the old and new entity data and sends parts that changed to an underlying ApiWritingRepository
SpecialPageReadingEntityRepository A repository for reading the latest revision of an entity

# Presentation

Data Bridge Presentation

Building Block Responsibility
UI Components All presentational components that construct Data Bridge's modal and its contents
Plugins and Utilities Logic which is common for several components, e.g. representing messages from mw's i18n mechanism
Error Components Front end components that represent an error which occurred in Data Bridge
Call To Action Components Front end components that require an action from the user
Base components Purely presentational components, e.g. a button. Those components will be replaced by Design System components in the future.
Messages A wrapper around MediaWiki's i18n mechanism
ClientRouter Format page urls for client
RepoRouter Format page urls for repo
BridgeConfig Configuration needed in some UI components, e.g. the link for reporting issues with data bridge

# MediaWiki

Data Bridge MediaWiki

Building Block Responsibility
Dispatcher Dispatches Data Bridge to the appropriate DOM element in the wiki article
BridgeDomElementSelector Selects elements in a wiki article's DOM that can be overloaded with Data Bridge
SelectedElement An interface which describes a DOM element to which Data Bridge is dispatched
subscribeToEvents Actions taken on the wiki page when certain data bridge events occur. E.g. reload the page when the data bridge edit is saved
prepareContainer Creates a container element based on OO.ui.Dialog in which Data Bridge is placed on the wiki page
EventTracker An abstraction layer for MediaWiki's event tracker

# ChangeOp

Data Bridge Change Op

Building Block Responsibility
ReplaceMutationStrategy Strategy for replacing a statement
StatementMutationStrategy Interface for a statement mutation strategy
UpdateMutationStrategy Strategy for updating a statement
StatementMutationError Represents an error that can occur when mutating a statement
StatementMutationFactory Chooses the right mutation strategy based on the edit decision (replace or update)

# Special Pages

Special Pages Building Block Diagram

Building Block Type/Context Responsibility
Special Pages WikibaseClient Provide entity usage meta information
SpecialEntityUsage WikibaseClient Lists client wiki pages that use a given entity ID and the aspects they use
SpecialPagesWithBadges WikibaseClient Shows a list of pages with a given badge
SpecialUnconnectedPages WikibaseClient Lists client pages that are not connected to repository items

# Interwiki

Interwiki Building Block Diagram

Building Block Responsibility
populateInterwiki Maintenance script that populates the interwiki table in the client's MediaWiki DB with list of sites